Located in Eugene, Oregon: 541-525-0669
Modern life and chronic sitting gives us tight hips, sore backs, and slumped posture. We offer an innovative posture therapy program that incorporates a unique combination of stretch massage and ergonomic analysis, which is designed to open your chronically tight muscles and leave you standing tall. Once your body is stretched out and the muscles return to their natural length, you will notice a giant difference in the way you feel!
We specialize in Reposturing Dynamics, a system of assisted stretches and massage techniques designed to provide deep relief from muscle tightness and posture imbalances.
Eugene –
– first session $40
– single session $80
– package of five sessions for $350 ($70 each)
t: (541) 525-0669 (Eugene, Oregon)
t: (510) 384-2773 (San Francisco Bay Area)